A word from the company MI Estate

"Our core business is real estate investments as well as investments in property shares. We  provide complex services not only in Czech republic but also abroad. Our goal is provide our clients with first-class service. We execute even seemingly impossible or very complicated deals. Even in those cases, we are able to close the deal and whole sale process within 24 hours. We are dealing with bankrupcy administrators and government authorities. We specialize in buying out properties and property shares. Our goal is to build longterm relationships with our clients based on mutual trust and respect.”

about the Project

Slovo realizátora projektu
společnost MI Estate s. r. o.

"Zabýváme se investicemi do nemovitostí a spoluvlastnických podílů. Poskytujeme komplexní služby nejen po celé České republice, ale i v zahraničí s cílem zajistit klientům vždy prvotřídní servis. Realizujeme i zdánlivě neřešitelné a často velmi komplikované obchody. I v těchto případech jsme schopni uzavřít kupní smlouvu a uskutečnit celý prodej v rámci 24 hodin. Jednáme i s insolvenčními správci a státními orgány. Specializujeme se na výkup nemovitostí a zároveň i na odkup spoluvlastnických podílů na nemovitostech. Jde nám především o budování dlouhodobých vztahů s klienty, založených na vzájemné důvěře a respektu."

32 construction ready lots

Spacious lots of 1000 square meters average size, are located close to the nature and about an hour away from Orlicke hory.

New modern neighbourhood

In this neighbourhood, you will never run out of ideas for trips or just a weekend getaway. Pardubice, a university city with near population of nearly 100 000 people, are only 15 minutes away. In Dritec you will find kindergarden, school, post as well as public gas pipeline, canalization connected to wastewater treatment plant. The village lies 225 meters above sea level.

Virtual tour